About the brewery


Cornet is a strong blond Belgian beer that has a subtle, willful and sophisticated wood flavour with a note of vanilla and a “velvety” mouth feel that rivals that of an oak-matured wine.

The well rounded, oaked beer balances the fruitiness of the yeast and the sweet vanilla notes of the wood, leaving a warming feeling in the finish along with a smooth bitterness. Top-fermented beer with refermentation in the bottle.

Cornet is the special beer for Knights of Good Taste. It was named after the steward of Diepensteyn Castle: Theodoor Cornet. His lord, a descendant of Knight Salomon de Maldeghem, asked him to brew a heavy beer. It turned out to be an oaked, heavy blond beer with a subtle vanilla note.

The hint of vanilla was originally produced by storing the beer in oak barrels. Later this was imitated by adding oak wood chips to the beer brewing. In recent years, Cornet has been awarded World Beer Awards several times.

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